Living in Anticipation

She stood at the edge of the pool.


Pink painted toes wiggling as she raised her heels.


Striving so hard to balance her energy, of waiting in obedience, and living in anticipation. Enthusiasm emanated from her smile as if I could hear her mind thinking, This is going to be fun.


Observing her unwavering commitment to the present moment made me curious, and the ability to wait with a peaceful, accepting eagerness, living in anticipation:


When I face anticipation, how do I see it?

I may fear anticipation’s unfamiliarity, and anxiousness to know what is next.  


How CAN I see anticipation?

I may welcome it, as I view it as a new way to see life and the opportunities awaiting me.


What is the value of living in anticipation?

Learn to loosen the grip on time and trust the value of learning from the unknown.


How CAN I live in anticipation with more positivity?

Let go of my need for immediate gratification--expect the best, not the worst.


Let’s be honest, confusion and doubt are woven well into the patterns of my mind. As unwanted as they are, they seem to offer something familiar. While it might not be the best option, living in doubt or confusion feels safe in some backward way. Similar to the well-worn and deep ruts on the dirt road that might not be the best route, offering comfort through their familiarity.  Is this comfort we are living suppressing our ability to see and know the truth?  


Living in anticipation does have an element of uncertainty. While one could frame themselves as anticipating for the worst, I invite the idea of anticipating for what’s possible. This curiosity opens us to the present. This anticipation includes an element of trust. An element of hope. A space of standing all in with the present moment, and all in for the moments ahead. It invites delight, humor, and fun.


There are moments we can create for ourselves that will offer a chance to live in anticipation.  Imagine yourself, at the edge of a pool, gazing into the cool glassy water--the sun’s hot rays on your skin are nearly pressing your body into the water.  The moment between you at the edge, and feeling the cooling immersion of water is the “anticipation”.  A delectable candy in your hand.  Pause a moment to look at the carefully wrapped, singular piece of chocolatey goodness, filled with what you recall as childhood joys of velvety nuttiness.  Gently opening the wrapper as you live in anticipation--to give more joy, more purpose, more appreciation for the experience already inspiring your taste buds.  You smile before you place the eagerly anticipated candy in your mouth, and savor the moment that captures emotion, memory, and happiness with each bite.


Taking another road, the unknown path will increase your ability to live in anticipation.  Create a moment of reset, which may become a reassessment of a current habit, a decision, a choice within our lives.  This will help unravel the confusion and doubt woven into the pattern of our minds.  There may be a welcoming of a new, less familiar road, and you may even enjoy it.  


Take a moment right now. Wiggle your toes. Close your eyes. Place your mind on your breath; inhale and exhale on purpose. Invite a mindset of living in anticipation into your thoughts. What feeling does it generate? 


What’s happening in the next 30 minutes in your life, today? The next hour? How might you take this energy and apply it? 


This is going to be fun.



Sara Walkenhorst and Joy Berta