A New Chapter Begins

A new chapter begins with the turn of a page. 

The story of your life continues to unfold one line at a time. 

But maybe it’s the space between the pages that welcomes deeper reflection.

The turning. 

Where the words aren’t written. 

What’s woven in those places? 

Breathe. Inhale, exhale. Welcome the pause

While it may seem like jumping to the chunk of words on the next page is the destination (who doesn’t love a sneak peek into what’s happening next), maybe it’s the moments in between where we awaken. 

The space where we become the co-creators.

Gain ownership. Start the next chapter. 

Three ways to become the co-creator in your next chapter:

  1. Drop the resistance. Listen to the stories you’re telling yourself. Are there statements filled with should? I should be doing… This should be the next logical step. Notice how those phrases bring up resistance, judgment or doubt. Opening the space within us begins with allowing what is. Maybe those spaces in-between need some time to pause. To reflect. To grieve. To process. To listen. To trust. The more we allow, the more we open ourselves to let go of the past and step into the future wholeheartedly. 
  2. Choose what you want to create. Just like the written words in your favorite book didn’t just happen to arrive on the page, your next chapter won’t suddenly appear fully edited. Give yourself permission to choose what you want to create in this next chapter. Remembering that the power of choice is a spiritual ability, use this ability with the intention to create space for what’s possible. 
  3. Take the next step. While having a vision that aligns with your core values is essential for living in alignment with your highest self, how that vision happens might not be completely clear. Let go of needing to have it all mapped out. Stay open to the idea that doing something is active motion, and whatever it is, will create space for learning and growth. By moving forward you move toward your next step.


Sara Walkenhorst